The app suddenly started crashing on the iOS 16.1 beta soon (?) to be made public by Apple. Lookmark 2.9 prevents the app from crashing on launch, and fixes some other bugs.
Happy lookmarking!
The app suddenly started crashing on the iOS 16.1 beta soon (?) to be made public by Apple. Lookmark 2.9 prevents the app from crashing on launch, and fixes some other bugs.
Happy lookmarking!
Lookmark 2.8 is out! Italian and Spanish speaking users can now enjoy the app in their preferred language.
Happy lookmarking!
While working to add support for the new store links from Apple (read more here) I bumped into a very tricky bug. Unfortunately, that bug caused the release of version 2.7.4 to be delayed until now. Sorry about that!
For this version I’m doing a “phased release”, meaning the app will update during the next 7 days for users with automatic updates turned on. However, you can always update the app manually if you like.
Apple recently changed how some of the iTunes and App Store links are formatted. Since Lookmark depends on these links to save content this has caused some problems throughout our service.
I’m working hard to solve all issues as soon as possible. I’ll keep you posted here and on Twitter.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
While hard at work on the next major version of Lookmark, new features come along that don’t need to wait to be released. Lookmark 2.7 brings a few of those enhancements, and I hope you’ll find them useful. It’s mostly about the share extension.
With iOS 11, Apple launched the new App Store with a Today section full of editorial content such as developer stories, app collections, tips & tricks etc. A great update, in my opinion. Unfortunately, the Lookmark share extension hasn’t been able to save content from Today stories. That changes today! 😀
The share extension now detects content in the Today tab.
The Lookmark share extension is now able to detect apps and other iTunes content not only in Safari, but third party browsers too. Sorry it took so long!
The Lookmark share extension used in Chrome for iOS.
It is now indicated in the share extension if an item has already been added to Lookmark. You won’t be able to add it twice. In addition, you can tap an item in the share sheet to open it in Lookmark. Items not yet added to Lookmark can also be tapped and viewed in Lookmark before you decide to save them. Perhaps you’d like to turn on Price Watch for it right away? That just became a lot easier.
Open an item in Lookmark from the share sheet. And… no more duplicates!
All news in Lookmark 2.7:
Add content from the Today tab in the App Store.
Add content from any web browser.
The share extension now indicates if something has already been added to Lookmark.
Tap an item in the share extension to open it in Lookmark.
iOS App Bundles can now be saved to Lookmark.
You can now export your data from the Settings screen.
Smaller improvements and bug fixes.
As I mentioned above, there will be lots of new features in the coming months that I hope you’ll enjoy. If you like Lookmark and would like to support the development, please consider signing up for a Lookmark Plus subscription. Also, a nice review in the App Store helps a lot 😉. And tell your friends!
Please follow us on Twitter for the latest updates.
Lookmark 2.6 was released the other day. Until now, a Lookmark Plus subscription would let you watch updates and price changes for iOS and Mac apps. The main new feature in 2.6 is price watch for all content. Now you can get notified when the price changes for movies, TV shows, music, books etc. In addition, the ability to watch the release date of content available for pre-order has been improved.
In 2.6 I also added a new Plus subscription. Now you can choose if you want to subscribe to Plus features for All Content or Apps Only.
Users who had an active Plus subscription when 2.6 was released will get the All Content features at no additional cost during the first year. If you have the annual subscription, that means it will auto-renew at least once before the price is raised.
I made a video to show the basic features of Lookmark. Feel free to share it with friends you think might be interested.
This week Lookmark is the happy sponsor of AppStories! Check it out for an interesting talk between John Voorhees, Federico Viticci and their guest James Rath.
And don’t miss the special deal on Lookmark Plus 😉
In December, Apple made it possible for developers to offer their apps for pre-order. It was possible to add pre-order apps to Lookmark from the start, but with today's release new notifications are in place to notify you of app launches and changed release dates. This requires a Lookmark Plus subscription.
Perhaps you're interested in an app but do not want to order it until it's released? Lookmark Plus will help you remember it :-)
Lookmark 2.5.1 is available in the App Store. Get it now!
Please follow us on Twitter or Facebook for the latest updates.
Lookmark 2.5 just hit the App Store. I'm happy to announce that you can now try Lookmark Plus one month for free. The subscription lets you monitor and get notified of updates and price changes for iOS and Mac apps.
Happy lookmarking!
Please follow us on Twitter or Facebook for the latest updates.
I have always had automatic downloads of updates in the App Store turned off. The reason is that I want to see what's new when an app is updated, and with automatic downloads I miss that information. I know it's there, but I just don't read it.
Another thing I've been doing is having apps installed that I never use, just to follow updates in the App Store. Sometimes, a new feature is added that makes me want to start using it. As a result, I have quite a few unused apps on my phone.
Starting today, I can turn on automatic downloads and still keep track of updates. The new Watch Updates feature in Lookmark 2.4 tracks updates and sends a notification when a new version arrives. It requires a Lookmark Plus subscription, and it works for both iOS and Mac Apps.
New in Lookmark 2.4
Please consider a Lookmark Plus subscription if you are interested in monitoring updates and/or price changes for iOS and Mac apps. Or if you just want to support the development of the free features in Lookmark :)
You can follow Lookmark on Twitter or Facebook.
I'm excited to announce that Lookmark 2.3 is now available on the App Store.
So what's new? The main focus in this release has been to make it easier for users to get started using Lookmark.
An important part of Lookmark is the share extension. Users find iTunes content on a web page or in apps like Twitter, Facebook or the App Store and use the share extension to save it to Lookmark. Previously, the app didn't guide the user on how to install the share extension. The new onboarding hopefully does a better job.
Until now, it has been mandatory to create a user account to start using Lookmark. That has not been a great user experience. In fact, on almost 40% of the devices that downloaded the app a user account was never created. Accordingly, many potential users never got a chance to see if Lookmark would be useful to them or not.
With this release, you can get started using Lookmark without creating a user account. Later on, when you know more about how the app works, a free account can be created to take advantage of more features.
A user account is still needed to sync content between devices, to save content from one of the desktop browser extensions, and to enable data recovery. But now it's up to the user.
The widget is simple, but hopefully useful. It lets you open the most recent lookmarks from Notification Center. On 3D Touch enabled devices, it's also available when force touching the app icon on the home screen. Enjoy!
Users with 3D Touch enabled devices can now use force touch to peek at content in Lookmark. Also, the widget and some useful shortcuts are available when using force touch on the app icon.
Lookmark 2.3 also contains lots of smaller improvements and bug fixes, such as improved sync performance.
Oh, I almost forgot the new and pretty universal link web pages that are linked to the content you share from Lookmark. What do you think?
I really hope you'll enjoy this release. More exciting features are in the works, so stay tuned. You can follow Lookmark on Twitter or Facebook.
Are you experiencing problems with the Lookmark Safari Extension on your Mac? A new version was submitted to Apple several weeks ago, but unfortunately it has not yet been reviewed. Until the new version is available in the Safari Extension Gallery you can download it from our server.
Sorry about this! Please get in touch if this doesn't work for you :)
UPDATE: The updated extension is now available in the Safari Extension Gallery.
Today's 2.2.5 update brings swipe left actions back to Lookmark. Enjoy!
A nifty little addition in iOS 10 is the Share option when you long press links. And very useful for Lookmark users - long press iTunes links and you can lookmark them even faster than before :)
Try it yourself from John Voorhees' review.
Something many users have asked for is the ability to lookmark Mac apps. Even though we can't install them on our iOS devices, we often come across an interesting Mac app when browsing the web on our iPhones.
With Lookmark 2.1 you can lookmark Mac apps just like any other iTunes content. Later, when sitting by your computer, you can use AirDrop to install the app on your Mac.
Lookmark Plus users will be able to monitor price changes for Mac apps in addition to iOS apps. One more reason to go Plus :-)
I hope you'll like this update. More exciting features are in the works, so stay tuned.
The months that have passed since Lookmark's launch back in October have been amazing. Users all over the world have used the app regularly to simplify iOS app installation. I'm very happy about that!
Meanwhile, I've been hard at work creating the next version of Lookmark. From the very start a few major features have been on the roadmap. Lots of positive and constructive feedback from users has encouraged and helped to enhance that roadmap. Today, I'm happy to share some new features with you all.
While hard at work on new exciting features, a nasty bug appeared out of nowhere yesterday. It makes it impossible to lookmark apps in the iOS App Store :-( So sorry about that! The good news is that the problem has now been solved and an update has been submitted to Apple. Hopefully they will process it swiftly.
UPDATE: Lookmark 1.0.2 is now available in the App Store.
Thanks for your patience!
The Lookmark Safari Extension is here!
Now we can do in Safari what we've been doing in Chrome for a while - lookmark iOS apps found when browsing the web and they'll pop up in Lookmark for iOS.
You can find the Safari Extension on our download page.
Happy lookmarking!
P.S. Big news will be announced within a few weeks. Please follow us on Twitter to be the first to know.